Dr fouad Aye brings many years of experience in managing energies infrastructure in Djibouti. He held several post in Djibouti’s government. He was the Minister de l’énergie of Djibouti where he was able to spear head renewable, solar and geothermal energies initiatives in Djibouti. He is one of the founding member Du Conseil National Pour la Transition.
Abdallah Abdou is a financial accountant in Alameda County, California. He has an MBA in finance accounting and currently preparing his phd in Finance. He works as interim vice-Chancellor of Finance and Administration with the County of Alameda. He has also worked as executive director of fiscal services. He is a Member of Conseil National Pour la Transition.
Max Chawki is a political activist. He has worked as a Librarian at Buffalo public library and Tampa public library for many years. He has also worked as freelance journalist in Djibouti and France. He studied Library Science at University of Buffallo, New York where he obtained his MLS degree. He also hold DESS in International Relations from Université Paris 11 – Sceauxs.
Mahamoud Doubad Waîss, ancien cadre de l’office des postes de télécommunications. Leader syndical de l’union générale des travailleurs Djiboutiens et dirigeant du syndicat de l’OPT. Membre fondateur et également porte-parole de l’inter-syndicale UDT-UGTD (Djibouti). Educateur social en France, et fervent défenseur des Droits Humains et Président du collectif HALGAN. Militant et activiste de toujours, il intervient dans les organisations de la société civile et notamment le CNTD.